Sabtu, 21 Desember 2013

The Commodity and Characteristic of Fruits and Vegetables Trade

Anyone ever heard about “Trading of Fruit and Vegetable”? Yup, I think you’ve heard that, that trading always happened around us. On the big scale the trade for any commodities happened between countries, commonly it was called as Import and Export, for some reason, somehow I definitely sure that you’ve known it.


By the way, the reason why I will say about fruits and vegetables trading in this time, it’s because of I just got lecture from Mr. Hiromi Tokua from Mie University,Japan on the 17th of December.  Yup, Mr. Hiromi came with several professors from Mie University to PSMIL Bandung (Enviromental Science Graduate School, Unpad. Bandung). I will tell about Mie University and PSMIL Unpad in another post later ^^

At that time Mr. Hiromi explained to us about “The Commodity and Characteristic of Fruits and Vegetables Trade”. He explained us if this trading happened between countries because every countries can or can not produce some commodities. On my opinion, they will import or export the goods that they’re concern for. It’s a vice versa treatment, depend on they needed that or not.

In my lecture, I’ve got some information if this Trading business growing since 1990’s and this business around the world still dominated by US (United States) even until 2009. And I’ve got explanation why this Trading business successed just in several countries. 

 “The trade depend on the culture of consumption”. For example Mr. Hiromi said if in Japan the way eating apples different with some countries. In Japan, apples commonly eaten by slice it first, bite an apple directly was prohibited. This stlye happened because of the size of the apples that growing in Japan. And there is so many more another cultures that was diferent between countries. That’s why trader in this industry must knew and adapt that culture.

Based on my said recently it shown us, no matter how the country has produced many commodities that prospect to be imported or exported. It is a must, for trader in this industry that the first thing that should be do is a research about applicant of the market that will be targeted. Which means the crops that will be trade have to suitable and accepted by others.

This business has bright prospect in future, many countries still have lack of commodities that they needed. It’s because we are living in the different places with different season, that’s why any country in other side of this earth will keep persistent to looking for the commodity with good commodity and high quality and of course must suitable with their culture.
In the end of my lecture I have conclusion that Mr. Hiromi said it to us : 
  1. The trade of vegetable and fruits has largely developed since 1990’s.
  2. The trade of vegetable and fruit has some characteristic which are limitation on globalization of vegetable and fruit.
  3. The volume proportion of trade of Vegetables and Fruits with production is still low.
  4. And a large part of vegetable and fruit are produced mainly for the producer first.
Okay. That’s all about my lesson. I’m sorry for my gramatical errors because English wasn’t my mother language. And I admit if I still lack of information. It’s just about my lessons and thanks God I still can save that little lessons in between my sleepyness #whacked.

But thank you so much for reading this. Please confirm me or tell me if you take any information from this post. I really appreciate it. Thank you. #bow

Senin, 16 Desember 2013

I Love Japan No Matter What That Booming

I just wanna say something,
This is not related my travelling theme or something like that,
This is about me,
I meant, I dont know this is normall or not, but I said officially if I couldnt reach by korean wave just like other people in this country.

I just keep persistent to follow J-pop since long time ago, even before that korean thingy entered this country.
OK. Maybe I admit if I ever folllowed some korean thingy that suggested by my friend.
In that time Idk why I just accepted it easily, somehow I have an uncomfort feeling that I scare if I will be isolated if I did not follow this wave.

But when I try to entered it, I just.. like those show or song or etc because I just appreciate their creation not more.

It's so different when I attached to japan and I loved it whole package complete with its culture, since longtime ago till now.

Almost one years ago since I'm back to My hobby after i left my japanthing couple years ago when I left my Japan because of my work and theses and etc.

Now here I am become my self again and used my japan names again that i leave it by before.
Fortunatelly in this time I feel more develoved than before.
I have my own journal that posted about this japan culture that I like and I became an active writer for that fandom of course I used my japan names on that fandom.
I love when this things comeback to me, because I realized again there's something that I left and forgotten.
It's about my dream.

Once I realized that, I made a plan and I will work hard to reach my dream.

My dream is I have to land myself in Japan. and I'm sure I will do that.
It come closer now. I almost there. Amen.

Jumat, 06 Desember 2013


Um.. Mau cerita..

Tema-nya masih jalan-jalan tapi ini jalan-jalannya bener-bener lagi jalan-jalan.. Eh, ini blog gue kan jd bebas dong yah.

Jadi gini.. Duluu #jamankuliah, waktu pertama kali naek jabatan jd senior alias taun kedua, gue, ikutan panitia MABA, waktu itu jadi tim medik (medical team). Kenapa jd medik, soalnya waktu jd MABA aku sukaaaa banget sama anak medik, cantik-cantik- cakep-cakep, ramah-ramah pula.. Ga kayaaa .. You know lah senior yg suka marahin itu.. (Satuan disiplin yg sebenernya kece-kece juga kakak-kakak ini :*)

So, beberapa bulan sebelum adek-adek yang imut itu datang, kita panitia dilatih dulu dong. Kalau buat gue ya dilatih penggunaan obat, perlakuan pasien, pengangkutan pasien, P3K dan gitu2 deh.. Mirip-mirip sih kaya di PMR smp-sma gue dl (btw suka banget sih gue hal begituan.. Maklum nurun dari kakek gue, Pak Mantri Desa, hehehe)

Naaaahh.. Ternyata waktu di universitas latiannya agak berat nih, kita dilatih sampe yg agak berat gitu, seperti RJP (resustasi jantung paru) untuk kasus kalo korban udah ga bisa sadar banget. Masa dibilangin kalau waktu RJP kemungkinan rusuknya ampe patah tapi asal jantungnya bisa hidup lagi Ih serem banget deh..

Untung aja pas hari H gak ada yg sampe gitu, paling cuma pingsan, maag and astma doang, yang jadi fokus medik nih ya, kita harus lebih sehat dr korban.
Makanya sebelumnya kita latihan fisik juga, lari, sit up, push up dkk.
Dan.. Waktu jd medik fakultas, gue bersyukur bgt, secara di jurusan gue (biologi), waktu jd maba itu untuk masa bimbingannya lumayan berat, jadi ga terlalu shock kalo nemuin latihan kaya gitu lagi juga..
Waktu lari juga gue and anak Biologi lain berada di barisan depan, waktu nanjak jalan jg tetep di bagian depan. Pokoknya bangga banget dulu ud ngerasa kuat (fuiihh). Hehehehe

Akhirnya pas hari H MABA pada datang tuh yah, dan medik harus ikut ngejaga dimanapun mereka berada. You know what? Waktu mereka lari medik harus ikut lari juga dong.  Ya gapapa lah, demi adek-adek MABA yg unyu. Terus yg kepilih buat nemenin maba lari ya gue lah, yg katanya dulu gue lumayan kuat. Dulu loh.. Dulu yah. Catet..! XD

Akhirnya gue temenin MABA lari, sambil pake almamater terus pake syal orange di lengan kanan (apa kiri ya, lupa). Pokoknya keren deh.. .menurut gue, hihi Terus gue lari ga tangan kosong lah, gue bawa kotak p3k, yg isinya obat lengkap plus oxygen jg.  Sambil lari-lari deh ngikutin tuh maba (kalau kakak gue komennya waktu diceritain ini, katanya gue lucu, kawaii desu yo ne? hihihi)

syal orange kebanggan - penolong orang yang membutuhkan ^^
Pokoknya gt deh tiap hari, jagain MABA, ikut lari-lari, rawatin maba dll. Sampe penerimaan berakhir, itu tugas aku.. Sempet kita ada kasus lumayan berat, sampe si anak harus dibawa ke rumah sakit karena collaps, tugas kita beri pertolongan pertama terus anter ke rumah sakit dan nungguin sampe ortunya dateng..

Pernah jg waktu Medik di jurusan ada anak asma terus karena crowded dia kumat terus ngamuk, aku samperin dan ada senior yang nyamperin dalam keadaan dia ngerokok, mungkin senior itu kaget terus ikut pengen liat,, Parahnya, itu anak malah tambah jadi, alhasil dia tambah kumat mumble-mumble asap rokok terus nyakar-nyakar tangan gue..
Gue teriaklah minta siapapun itu senior buat ngejauh.. (akang... maaf yah ga sengaja)..
Dan akhirnya setelah diberi treatment dan udara dikit dia jd tenang dan kita bisa langsung bawa dia UKS.

Selama jadi medik sebenernya  capek sih, tapi jujur, aku seneng banget bisa bantuin mereka.
Menjadi medik itu bisa numbuhin tanggung jawab, terhadap kita sendiri, or terhadap org yg kita jaga.
Kita ga boleh lemah dan harus ngambil keputusan cepat karena nyawa mereka ada di tangan kita (ceileh bahasa gue).

Ya intinya pengetahuan kita juga bertambah soal obat or treatment dan rasa kemanusian kita jg bertambah. Karena adanya tanggung jawab itu, kita jadi nge-push diri kita sendiri biar apapun yang kita lakukan adalah demi kebaikan korban.

Yak.. Jadi tambah respect deh sama dokter and perawat-perawat sekarang..  
Docs.. I know your inttention are for your pasien sake and I think you were deserve to get honour from whoever they are. Include us as your patient and me too.
I really respect to you and I will always respect you who respect your job for human charity. Thank you nurse and doctor :)